CCA TranStudio:
“Kinetic Staircase”
“Kinetic Staircase”
Academic Project - Spring 2023
Professor: Dr Negar Kalantar
Group Project
Ali Farajmandi & Negar Hosseini
Ali Farajmandi & Negar Hosseini
Software and Tools:
Rhino · Grasshopper · 3D-Printing · Laser Cutting
Rhino · Grasshopper · 3D-Printing · Laser Cutting

The approach in the stair+ project was to create a moving staircase. In our project the concept development started by designing a rotating staircase that the steps are going to be hidden in the wall and provide a more open space when it is not using. In the design process we designed two different joints with same mechanisms. To achieve this goal we had to design a joint that is rotating in two angles at the same time. There was several challenges in the development phase of our first design; So we continued working on our second idea that provided us two approaches to study and explore. In the first one staircase was dancing to be parallel to a wall holding it and the second one which we fully developed is supported in the floor and act as a wall, partition and a shader itself.

Assembly Process: